ISWhatsApp v6.00 Latest Version Download Now

ISWhatsApp v6.00 Latest Version Download Now | AppIndo Blog - Hello buddy AppWorld Indonesia, On this update AppIndo Blog will share the latest article titled ISWhatsApp v6.00 Latest Version Download Now, for other interesting articles, you can find on sidebar and related articles or you can also use the search box on this blog (AppIndo Blog). For articles ISWhatsApp v6.00 Latest Version Download Now is part of a category Article, ISWhatsApp,. Please read through to the end of the article, more ISWhatsApp v6.00 Latest Version Download Now.

ISWhatsApp v6.00 Latest Version Download Now

*Update copy market 2.17.351
*Added feature to switch accounts
*Has been added to the Miscellaneous section contains the weather and labor costs and other
*Added section general scramble
*Added section to the world of Eve
*Added useful sites
*Added 1000 case of time Closet father
*You can put a video period of just 100 minutes in the case of Store
*You can send the audio clip to the size of 1100 instead of 50 mica
*Has been added to the Qur’an, man prophetic
*Added FAQ without the net
*(Exclusive) you can now send a group message groups
*(Exclusive) now when you clear the messages you can erase only the messages or only messages to groups or everyone
*Can now prevent delete messages from your device if you try to someone to retrieve the message from your device(options-privacy-prevent deleted messages)
*Activate the filters feature to edit the photo before you send it
*Activate location sharing with friends
*You can now select multiple messages and restore them at once.
*Add option number to 1.2.63 to display long messages without the advent of (Read More…)
*You can now set up a scheduled text to several people at one time(through the multi-selection of names)
*Add option number 1.1.15 to show the name of the contact in the middle of the screen
*You can now copy the cases written(story)
*Activate the quick reply feature (select any message and then click on the box transmission for you to answer)
*You can now specify up to 100 levels instead of 30 levels
*You can now know the size of the storage user for each conversation(settings-The size of the data storage user-storage size user)
*Fix non-appearance of the map when sending your location
*Fixed shutdown temperature VSAT when you drag up.
*Fixes another

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ISWhatsApp v6.00 Latest Version Download Now
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