Showing posts with label Hacking Apps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hacking Apps. Show all posts

Game Guardian [No Root] v8.5.10 APK for Android Free Download

Are you serious about the hacking of latest android games on your phone? If you reply ok, then you are come on the best page, because here our staff picked one of the speedy hacking and modifying the application for you which are named Game Guardian also known as [GameGuardian]. It was a 2nd fastest growing application for android platform, 1st one is GameKiller and I am sure you will be a follower of it. Game Guardian [No Root] also need access to root, root detailed also you can found here. Root your smartphones and tablets with the assist of 2nd generation rooting apps which are Z4Root and Cloud Root.

If you want to investigate more about the app, then also you can find here. Game Guardian is the greatest achievement of D2dyno, D2dyno is the developer of it. After the opening of Game Guardian app, developers received thousands of positive feedbacks and millions of download clicks on an individual webpage. After that developer works harder on it and released one by one lot of versions after fixing errors, bugs.  And happiest news you now, inside page we bring the latest updated version free, which is recently updated.   

Game Guardian is the best provider of hacking services, so let modify the money, gems, gold, diamond, coins, scores, and levels in an offline game. Inside hacking process app enables you to search for value in your games and once the value is found, you can change it according to purpose. If someone’s desire to hack an online game, then apologize for dashing your dreams. It would be a strange thing, that app not yet supports hacking of online games. If any online game hacker application release, then our team added it as soon as possible on our site.

Naturally, when you visit any Android store and Market, you can found two types of files paid and free. Make sure, to analysis any game before you starting hacking process either it is free or paid. Game Guardian is not positive on premium games, so test it on paid games at your own risk. 

Top Features:

  • Play android games according to your principles
  • Create unlimited money, score and coins etc
  • Modify boundless games as on your desire including old and latest
  • Multiple search option is also here avail
  • Modify games offline
  • And much more feature
After examining overall deep detailed information, I am sure you feel the pride to use it. So download APK file of Game Guardian Android app right away from here and let’s install it on your operating phone. After installing you will be the controller of its hack, modify any element of the game which you want on your favorite game. Several times, getting file links may be broken or expired, if you face trouble while downloading, must complain via comment or contact us. As soon as possible our staff remove bad link and replace the functional link. Have the benefits of hacking and stay connected for access of games and applications.  
Game Gaurdian No Root

App Information:

➤Name of file: Game Guardian
➤Production of: D2dyno
➤Current Version: 8.5.10 
➤Android Required: 2.3+
➤Category: Hacking
➤Licence: Free

Download Area

Cheat Engine v6.6 [No Root] APK for Android Free Download

Good news for game hacker’s  is Cheat Engine is avail for android arena to be free download and install. Friends if you are video games fan and wish to play most wanted games on android phone with your law and regulation then must review this article. After full analysis of publishing article you must like to experience shared app on your devices.

Beside entire globe hacking habit of android games & apps rise extremely high. Day by day game lovers requesting to developers for update tools which can help them to hack. Developers take action on users demand and introduce their product. Cheat Engine is one of the latest hacking tool like Game KillerGame GuardianCreeHackLeo PlayCard etc.

Cheat Engine Game list:

  • Temple Run 2,
  •  Plant vs.Zombie,
  • Clash of Clans,
  • Age of Empires,
  • Civlization V,
  • the Binding of Isaac,
  • FTL: Faster Than Light,
  • Final Fantasy VII,
  • Sim City 4,
  • Unholy Heights,
  • Rogue Legacy,
  • Sanctum 2,
  • And more
Long time back users test Pc version on windows for hacking/modifying, cheating of PC edition games and they will do job smartly. After getting positive feedbacks about Cheat Engine PC version it developed for Android & launch. Now the latest version is prepared for downloading. After promotion of android version, the App fans following rise fast and know, It is especially used for hacking/cheating for android most celebrated games.

Some of the users frustrate after testing hack application on games and claim for its result. Thus here we will announce that Cheat Engine needed root permission. Understand App run on only rooted android device for its best result. Like to root device right away from here then trusted Z4rootUniversal. Contributed rooting application is deserved tool for rooting of any android devices and tablets.


  • Cheat/hack/modify android games through aid of android edition
  • Cheat/hack/modify PC games with the access of Pc edition
  • Add diamond, coins, gold, gems, money and much more 
  • Compatible with almost all Windows and Android phones
  • Highly compressed size (1.15) MB
  • User friendly entertainment
  • Straightforward to use
Latest upgrade version 6.6 of Cheat Engine App APK file free downloads on your devices right away from page to get full access. Beside Cheat Engin [No Root] APK developer inserted new functional & powerful features which never available on any similar tool or old edition. 

App Information:

➤Name of file: Cheat Engine
➤Product of: Cheat Engine
➤Current Version: 6.6 [Latest]
➤Category: Hacking
➤Licence: Free
Download Area

DaxAttack v2.0.5 APK for Android [Latest] Free Download

Game and applications hacking is very hard task and in our site we already uploaded some tools which can hack offline games. In our previous hacking post we say that when any online hacking tool is updated, we will inform you. And that why today our team feel glad for sharing online hacking tool which is famous with the name of DaxAttack. This is the android application, working like Cheat Engine PC version. DaxAttack is an android application which enable you to hack and play any kind of online games, by the way of hacking you will be topper of game in little time.

Some of the games and apps are downloaded by credit card or debit card, without pay price of it, access is impossible. But via DaxAttack App you can also get lots of games access, which access is almost impossible.

At last stage of post, we want to mention that must root device before installing DaxAttack APK file, if device is non root. In non root device you miss some features of app, so root yours devices professionally via rooting apps which are already stand in our site.

For earn more currency in your favorite games and apps this one is best option. You can also checkout DaxAttack alternatives such as Game Guardian and Game Killer, both are free and most trusted for hacking of offline games universally. Download free APK file of DaxAttack app from the link below and install on your Android smart phones and tablets on the fly. If mention link is not work or other issue let us know, must connect us.

App Information:

➤Name of file: DaxAttack
➤Production of: DaxAttack
➤Current Version: 2.0.5
➤Android Required: All Os Phone
➤Category: Hacking Apps
➤Licence: Free

Download Area

Game Killer [No Root] v4.10 APK for Android Free Download

Now a day’s game developers discover big collection of fantastic & functional games for android platform. Inside every game basically developers inserted boundless features and most of the games played by level to level or stage to stage. This is the strategy, which we can use to complete any mission of game, but some of the game lovers wish to play all stages and levels of game in little time for their fun and profit. If you want to play any game on your rules them there is only one route and that was hacking. Due to deficiency of specialized skills & knowledge games hacking is become very complicated for the beginners. Therefore in the current page our team takes a decision to share you globally famous hacking application and that was Game Killer. Through the 1st class hacking tool now it’s so straight forward. Game Killer [No Root] is most controlling hacking tool which applies for modification of android games. Why people called it Game Killer it is strange object, but after testing it personally we confirm that, it never murder or kill games. It just application which uncountable users used internationally to hack, modify and cheat thousand of games.

Game Killer for android compulsory root authorization (Privilege) to run openly, therefore here our team also picked luxury rooting toolkits for you. If someone’s phone was none rooted than first root device using Z4root & Baidu Root. After successful rooting come into favorite game with Game Killer for hack unlimited features which you want. We apologies for break dreams of anyone, if they fancy for testing Game Killer for Clash of Clans. Game Killer is unable to modify all of the games which data are store on remote server or need active internet connection. Game Killer is hacker of games which score is save on it resident memory. So if you wish to modify any android game must analysis the game, if found game offline then use application on the fly and incase game become online not try to hack it. I have no word to describe you how much hard hacking of online games.

Are you ready for set up Game Killer app on the android smart phone & tablet which is in on your pocket? If your react is okay then feel free, safe, secure regard download link, given link officially tested and fit for your phone and link is specified at the bottom of page. Never search Game Killer app APK file on different markets and play stores to find it new version, because it is not yet available here. If any interested users looking for any old and latest version apart from above then contact with us. With in no time we will bring needed version for you, furthermore if APK file is not download then comment in comment area. No more explanation it is enough to understand Game Killer features and functions, lets install the latest application on your phones and tablets. Carried version is fresh updated and errors free, so enjoy fastest hacking experience. 
Game Killer No Root

App Information:

➤Name of file: Game Killer 
➤Production of: GameKiller
➤Current Version: 4.10
➤Android Required: 2.3+
➤Category: Hacker
➤Size: 4.99 KB
➤Licence: Free

Download Area

CreeHack v1.8 APK [No Root] for Android Free Download

CreeHack for android is one of the best android games/apps hacking application, which has opted to hack unlimited quantity of android quality games. If you are apps and games maniac and looking for any app which can relay helps you to play the game on your rules, than CreeHack App got best package for you. With the aid of fastest growing legal hacking android app you do which you want, so ready to play millions of games on your smart phones and tablets freely on your principals.

Zhasik007 are the developer of CreeHack and recently developer released latest version 1.8 free for all Os phones, and you will be download latest file at the end of page where link is already placed. Not search this application on play store and other alternative platform, because it is not yet available on different stores and markets, thus if you love to get the file then get it from here free.

Adjust games score also modify coins, lives, levels, gems, gold and much more of video games on your rooted phone. If device is not rooted, then rooted phone firstly and after that introduce this fantastic hacking app. To root device on the fly test Z4root, Root Master etc both are free licensed and spam free.

If you are games lovers, and not using CreeHack, it would be a strange thing, the quickest growing hacking tool in hacker’s world. Gamekiller and Game Guardian also well maintained alternatives of this wonderful tool. By clicking on the link which is given at the underneath of page, you will be able to get CreeHack APK file, so why you kill time, download free App file for Android smart phones and tablets to kill the games. Any issue regard this one, comment your issues in comment section.

How to Use CreeHack?

  1. In first phase of process download Creehack APK file from given link
  2. When download complete install the app and open it
  3. CreeHack App pops up on your phone home screen
  4. Tab the “Creehak Disable” and follow the instruction

App Information: 

➤Name of file: CreeHack
➤Production of: Zhasik007
➤Current Version: 1.8 [Latest]
➤Android Required: All Os Phone
➤Category: Hacking & Modifying  
➤Size: 792 KB
➤License: Free

Download Area 

GameCIH v3.0.3 APK [No Root] for Android [Latest] Free Downoad

Games are basic need of every android smart phone and due to truly rising demand game developers daily announce new games. There are two sorts of games offline or online. Online include all of those games which data are store in online servers and offline include all those games which data are store on the phone storage. Hacking was advance program to run any games on your rules and if you are also looking for program that can help out during hacking process than we have solution in the form of android application. The famous app was GameCIH which is also known with the name of AppCIH. It does what you looking for in any offline games, never try to hack online games. Otherwise you will be responsible for result.

One of the requirements which you must to do before going to use GameCIH application on your device is root permission. Phone without root can’t provide you best hacking experience, thus if you wish to have the benefits of each feature let root device with the control of Root Master and z4root. Both are finest rooting tool-kits to root any Os phone in single click without access of PC. 

Many of the users questioning on different forum is GameCIH can hack paid games. No GameCIH hack only all those game which are free to download. Inside hacking you can simply edit gaming performance likes score, money, lives, values and much more of desired games free. For hackers the given program is perfect, many of hackers give extra value to Game Killer and Game Guardian also. Game killer and game guardian are very famous hacker application, not including this programs the list of best hacking apps will never complete.  

O hello, what you waiting for? If you search for download link than link was already specified underneath of download area. Use get APK button to download free GameCIH APK app file on the android phone or tablets. Any doubt about regarding app, post you doubt in comment. We appreciate your suggestion & promise next time we come with more accuracy. Try to contribute GameCIH with your friend on social media if it was useful.    

App Information:

➤Name of file: GameCIH 
➤Production of: CIH
➤Current Version: 3.0.3
➤Android Required: 1.5+
➤Category: Hacking 
➤Size: 568 KB
➤Licence: Free

Download Area  

Leo PlayCard v1.2 APK for Android [Latest] Free Download

Leo PlayCard is one of the most controlling, efficient and useful tool for game hackers. It allow game hackers to hack/modify/cheat unlimited android games and apps straight forwardly without trouble. Leo PlayCard app is produce by developer Harsh223. With the access of terrific app anyone can hack lots of games smoothly on android smart phones and tablets.  Remember that we only share original format file of app and you can download it by tap link on it which is already given down of post.

Friends, for legal hacking there is much tools are available like Game KillerGame GuardianCreeHackSB ManXXZHUSHOU and Freedom. All of tools are very famous for hacking but few tools required root permission. On the other site Leo PlayCard application is stand and it work smartly on rooted and no root devices. No trouble if obtain device is rooted or none rooted. Hack game element like score, live, level, gem etc without face any trouble. Either you can straight forwardly hack or modify beloved latest games including Temple Run 2, Show Fight 2 etc 

Heart wining feature is that, it make possible to hack or modify modern android games without face trouble. With it you can go to app purchase and purchase your needed game part without paying any penny. It facilitates you to play each fun part of game without give any remuneration to developers.

Leo PlayCard Features: 

  • Modify/hack/cheat/trick most wanted games
  • Hack modern/old/ android games
  • Purchase gems, gold, coins and much more free
  • Compatible with rooted and UN rooted both devices
  • Easy to use
  • And much more  
Friend Leo PlayCard APK is not present for download on Google Play Store, Thus if your aspiration to use app then you require to download it from our site or anywhere else. Leo PlayCard free download APK format file right way from here on the link, which is presented in the end of page.

App Information:

➤Name of file: Leo PlayCard
➤Production of: Harsh223
➤Current Version: 1.2 [Latest]
➤Android Required: All Os Phone [No Root]
➤Category: Hacking
➤License: Free

Download Area

Slash Game Buster [No Root] v1.27 APK for Android [Latest] Free Download

Wonderful news for android users is Slash Game Buster is here avail for download. Slash Game Buster app is best option for cheating or modifying games. If you are android games follower and wish to hack unlimited beloved games on your operating system then you may consider this app. In WWW never ended hacking APKs are avail for downloading and installation but when it comes to hacking and modifying performance then perfect choice is Slash Game Buster. Game Killerand Game Guardian is also specialist hacking tools which can do each hacking perfectly. 

Memorize that Slash Game Buster required root access, so let root android devices before hack process. To root your devices right away from here test kingroot or kinguser, both are free to root OS devices without accessing of pc and laptop. If device is [No Root] then freely complete root process via rooting software which are also given beside page.

Best part of is, it current released version support multiple languages like English and traditional Chinese. Users can hack or modify game score, value, gems, lives and gold of well liked android games on their android devices with the access of Slash Game Buster no root APK. This app is developed in Taiwan and it programming language is Java + C.

How to use Slash Game Buster:

  1. Launch the `Slash Game Buster' [the anonymous icon will appear on device screen].
  2. Launch your favorite game [which you decide to hack].
  3. Click app icon to open the `Slash Game Buster' dialog.
  4. Click `Search' button and enter the game number current value [after a while of searching, the found count will be showed].
  5. Click the Back button to back to the game.
  6. Play a while to get the game number change.
  7. Repeat the steps 4~6.
  8. The found count is supposed to reduce to 1, and that is supposed to the address of that game number.
  9. Click the address and enter the value [which you want].
  10. It’s enough (you are done).
If you are ready to hack or modify android games right away from here, then try Slash Game Buster free for android. For accessing of APK app on your android phones or tablets download format of app on your devices right know. Link is already provide at the down of page, get it from here & enjoy. If file is not download or other issue, share with us by posting comment in below box area.

App Information:

➤Name of file: Slash Game Buster
➤Production of: Chines
➤Current Version: 1.27 [Latest]
➤Android Required: 2.3.3+
➤Category: Hacking
➤License: Free

Download Area

AppSara v1.0 APK for Android [Latest] Free Download

Want to hack or modifying beloved huge collection of games and apps on android devices then you arrive in better webpage, because in this page of site we fetch latest updated edition of AppSara for download or install. This most up to date version 1.0 of app is recently released for all android smart phones and tablets.
AppSara app is used in App purchase in large quantity of android games and apps. A best feature is that it not needs any root access; it works smoothly and softly with rooted and non-rooted devices. So dont worry or start hacking through app and enjoy features of app on the go. List of supported apps and games are given below. 
1Weather, AndWobble, Anger of Stick 2, Anger of Stick 3, Armored Aces – 3D Tanks Online[3D, Online], AVP: Evolution [3D], Bio Inc. – Biomedical Plague, Bright Weather, Calc+ Powerful calculator, CALCU: The Ultimate Calculator, Car Mechanic Simulator 2014 [3D, G-sensor], City Island, Contra: Evolution, Cut the Rope, Cut the Rope: Time Travel, Crash Drive 2, Critical Strike Portable [3D, Online], Dark Lands, Dark Reaper Shoots! [3D], Dead Effect [3D], Dead on Arrival 2 [3D], DEAD TARGET [3D], Dragons: Rise of Berk [3D, Online], EZ Weather, Froggy Jump, FxGuru v1.0.4, Galaxy on Fire 2™ HD [3D], Goat Rampage PRO [3D], Goblin Defenders: Steel ‘n’ Wood, God of Light, Go Launcher EX, GPS Navigation & Maps by Scout, Groopic, HabraCitizen, Hungry Shark Evolution [3D], I Am Vegend: Zombiegeddon, IM+ All-in-One Mobile Messenger, Jewels Saga, JotterPad X: Writer, Judge Dredd vs. Zombies, KK Locker (KitKat & Android L), Marvel Puzzle Quest Dark Reign, Money Mine: Кликер, Monsters University [3D], MovieRide FX, Offroad Legends, Oggy, Papyrus, Pick a Pet, Pinball Rocks HD, Pirate Hero 3D, Plague Inc., Racing Air [3D, G-sensor], Retro Runners, Quoda Code Editor, Shadowess, Shadow Fight 2, Shape’d, Shoot The Zombirds, Simple Rockets, Sketchman, Slide Soccer [3D, Online], SpongeBob Diner Dash, Star Chart, Star Warfare: Alien Invasion [3D, Online], Static Quest: The Delivery, The Maze Runner[3D, G-sensor], The Smurfs Village, Temple Run [3D, G-sensor], Terraria, The Collider Premium, Vector, Video Poker™-Poker Casino Game, Zalive – Zombie survival, HELICOPTER BATTLE: 3D flight, Fool, Small Commander, Masters of Backgammon, Not Another Teen Game, The siege of the Galaxy 2, Soldiers of Glory: The New War, Soldiers of Glory: WWII
AppSara enable android users to hack in purchase or modifying lots of famous world android games and apps , you never need to pay any penny for it. So why not try this wonder android APK format file of AppSara for gain instant result.

App Information: 

➤Name of file: AppSara
➤Current Version: 1.0 [Latest]
➤Android Required: 2.2+
➤Category: Tools
➤Size: 403 KB 
➤Licence: Free

Download Area

Lucky Patcher Root v6.1.8 APK for Android [Latest] Free Download

Friend if you are android games lovers and desire to play huge collection of unlimited games with your rules and regulation, than i will prefer Lucky Patcher Root for all game hackers. Lucky Patcher is positive android app for hacking and modifying all types of android games without availability of pc or professional skills. My loving hacking app is lucky Patcher and it was best alternative tool of other hacking tools such as GameKiller and Game Guardian.

With the help of hack tool any android users are capable to hack all kind of latest, old and current version of android off-line games. Also remove ads, modify permission, and bypass premium application licence and more. Mostly it is used for removing ads from android apps.

Friend if you have less knowledge of hacking system then you may believe in Lucky Patcher for android, because it simple hacking process and friendly app design, which won lots people hearts after releasing. In WWW Millions of trusted android users analysis the app for legal hacking and modifying of off-line games and apps.

Latest updated version of Lucky Patcher APK is released for downloading and installation and download link is given at the web page.  So what are you wait 4 right away from here download amazing and superb app to achieve instant result on the go. APK file Lucky Patcher Root app is ready for installing, just download it on below link and install.

Lucky Patcher Root Features: 

  • Hack, modifying all android based android games or apps
  • Remove ads of application
  • Hack in app purchase
  • Clear cache data
  • Right tool to modify off-line games
  • Move file from partition to partition
  • Manage files, un-install and install applications
  • Backup file option
  • Compatible with various versions
  • Simple to use and much more

App Information:

➤Name of file: Lucky Patcher Root
➤Production of: Chelpus
➤Current Version: 6.1.8 [Latest]
➤Category: Hacking Tool-kit
➤Licence: Free 

Download Area

Freedom 1.6.9c APK (No Root) Free Download for Android

Hacking is one of complicated and complex process around the world. Most of the people ideas are that without PC & advance knowledge’s or skills hacking of apps and games impossible. If your thinking is also similar than change your ideas, because now it is possible.  Yes know game lovers can hack, modify & cheat any android games using their Os android phone with the assist of Freedom App.
Freedom APK (No Root) is well liked android hacking application in globe and through assist of it any single or multi player android users can hack or modifying any android games in World Wide Web. With the aid of app users can play premium levels and stages of android games. E.g. if you require 100 coins or gems to unlock premium stage of games and you have only on 40 coins then you can add 60 coins extra to get access of premium levels and you can do it via Freedom APK.
With the access of Freedom APK No Root on android phone users can play tons of android application and games on their rule and regulation, users can add coins, money, gems and gold on their requirement and play paid levels of games & apps. Dear friend if you are interesting on app than there is no issue get free file on the fly but your android devices must be rooted. If device is not yet root than firstly root devices and then allow Freedom App. Freedom APK No Root required root permission for running openly. Root devices via aid of Z4root, Cloud Root, Root Genius, Baidu Easy Root etc. 
For getting free Freedom APK App latest version 1.6.9c on android phones and tablets this was great site. Freedom APK is not avail on any play store, so we bring it original APK file free of cost. At the bottom of page Freedom APK (No Root) Free Download for android.

App Features:

  • Availability of coins, gems, gold, life etc
  • Freedom in App purchases
  • Unlock paid option of game free of cost
  • Unlock premium levels of games for your fun & profit
  • Get full control over any android game or app installed on device
  • Hack, cheat, modify any android games & apps
  • Compatible with almost all Os phone
  • Simple to use and much more benefits

File Details:

File Name: Freedom
Current Version: 1.6.9c
Android Required: 2.3 +
File Size: 1.6 MB
Licence: Free

Download Link:

Freedom⇛ Download